15th June 2023

How Secure are uPVC Doors?

From advanced security systems and robust door locks to reliable surveillance cameras and secure windows, homeowners have a multitude of options to bolster their security defenses at home. By investing in security solutions and adopting proactive security practices, you too can create a secure environment that easily keeps your home well protected. With this in mind, you might be wondering- just how secure are uPVC doors? We’ve got you covered here at Carera. 

Carera cares about homeowners making the decisions that are right for them and their properties. That’s why we promote a culture of empowerment- helping homeowners access all the knowledge they need about the home improvement industry, to truly decide on the best solutions for their homes. With this in mind, let’s talk about security- a surefire concern for any homeowner. We know that the safety and security of your home could not be more important to you- and that’s why we are open about the security features we offer across our range of home improvement options. 

uPVC doors are pretty popular these days, available in a wide range of attractive colours with low maintenance needs. These bright and perky doors can be perfect for your home- but do these doors just look good, or do they function well while doing it? Let’s chat about the security of uPVC doors in a bit more detail. 

Secure uPVC Doors

Strength at the Core

The foundation of a secure uPVC door lies in its solid core construction. Composed of a reinforced frame and a durable uPVC outer layer, uPVC doors are built to withstand external forces and resist forced entry attempts. The combination of sturdy materials these doors are constructed with ensures enhanced strength and robustness, making it significantly harder for intruders to breach your home’s defences.

If you’re looking for a door to truly improve the security of your home, uPVC doors can be a great option for you. If you’re unsure of what your uPVC door is made of, don’t be afraid to ask the manufacturer or installer! Not only are they likely to know, but they’re also happy to help. 

Locking Systems – Smart Enough?

uPVC doors are often equipped with a sophisticated multi-point locking system that is built to be secure. This system engages multiple locking points along the door frame, securing it at various strategic positions. With three or more locking points, including bolts, hooks, and deadbolts, a uPVC door forms a barrier that greatly enhances the overall security of your home. 

Always make sure to ask about the security of your new door. A good quality uPVC door in the modern age should come with multi-point locking systems as standard- but if you’re still unsure, check out the manufacturing details of the door you’re after for more information. Security should never be a secondary consideration. 

The door’s lock cylinder also plays a crucial role in deterring break-ins. uPVC doors often incorporate advanced anti-snap cylinder locks, designed to resist common forced-entry techniques employed by intruders. These locks feature a reinforced design that prevents criminals from snapping or breaking the cylinder, ensuring your home is kept secure no matter what. 

The Transparent Truth About Glass Panels

It’s super important to think about the glass panels of your new doors- that should be clear to see! Toughened or laminated glass is significantly stronger than standard glass, making it highly resistant to breakage. This added layer of protection ensures that even if an intruder attempts to shatter the glass, it’ll put up a considerable fight- providing precious time for the authorities to respond or for you to take necessary action against an intruder. 

Glass panels can also help to increase the thermal efficiency of your home if they’re double glazed, and can be decorative as well- adding that special touch to any property. Check out the glass options that your installer carries to truly customise your new uPVC door!

Weathering Weather

While security is a top priority, uPVC doors excel in other areas as well. These doors are designed to offer excellent weatherproofing, sealing your home against harsh elements. This not only provides a comfortable living environment but also ensures that the door remains strong and resilient over time, maintaining its security features for years to come.

Your door is only ever as strong as the weatherproofing it carries with it. Doors can weather over time, which may compromise security- but good quality uPVC is likely to make this worry a thing of the past. Some doors come with weatherproof testing, ensuring they can stand up against harsh conditions. 

Contact Carera Today.

Looking to make a start on your new uPVC doors? Carera would be happy to help. We offer a great selection of uPVC doors to suit any property, whether modern or traditional. With all the functionality you should expect and seamless style to suit any home, what’s not to love?
Contact Carera today using our online contact form or by giving us a call on 01384 442490. We also have a clever online quotation tool, that allows you to envision how your new doors will look- complete with pricing. We look forward to hearing from you!

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