30th August 2023

Summer is a time for relaxation, holidays away, and spending quality time with loved ones. As you plan for an exciting summertime, it’s important not to overlook the safety and security of your home- especially while you’re away. One of the most crucial aspects of home security is having secure doors. When it comes to safeguarding your property and ensuring you can relax while away knowing your home is protected, Carera Windows is here to help. With our range of secure doors, you can fortify your home against intruders and enjoy a worry-free summer- wherever you are. Let’s explore some key tips for keeping your home safe with secure doors.

Invest in High-Quality Doors

When it comes to home security, quality matters. Choosing doors made of sturdy materials such as steel or solid wood can significantly enhance your home’s security. Carera Windows offers a wide selection of high-quality doors designed to withstand even the harshest of forced entry attempts. These doors are not only stylish- they also provide spectacular durability and strength, acting as a solid barrier against potential burglars.

It’s more important to invest in the security of your doors than it’s ever been. New figures from the Daily Mail reveal that more than 500 homes were burgled every day in England and Wales last year, with a rise in forced entry attempts across the country. Investing in a sturdy door is a great way to dissuade potential intruders from trying to enter your property. Our range of high quality doors are designed to avoid the common security pitfalls of other door styles, with reduced leverage points around the frame and multi-point locking systems that make them a nightmare for any would-be criminal.

Check Out Multi-Point Locking Systems

A standard lock might not provide adequate protection against determined intruders. Consider upgrading to doors equipped with multi-point locking systems. These sophisticated locking mechanisms secure the door at multiple points, making it incredibly challenging for anyone to break in. Carera Windows offers doors with advanced multi-point locking systems, ensuring your home remains well protected, wherever you are. 

Secure uPVC Doors

Multi-point locking systems make it difficult for intruders to gain access to your home, securing your door in multiple places around the frame. This is a great way to ensure you can always relax at home, knowing your property is well protected. Recent surveys reveal that a staggering 97% of people who were burgled last year said it had an impact on their family and day-to-day living. Avoiding these traumatic situations wherever possible should be a priority for any homeowner. 

Install a Door Viewer or Peephole

Knowing who is at your doorstep before opening your door is an essential aspect of home security. Installing a door viewer or peephole allows you to see who is outside without compromising your safety. Carera Windows’ doors can be customised to include high-quality door viewers, giving you a clear view of visitors before granting them access to your home.

Remember- not all burglary attempts are aggravated assaults or break-ins. Criminals can gain access to your home quickly and easily- all they need is to be invited in! This can be a nightmare for residents who open their doors expecting friends or family to be met with an intruder or pushy salesman. Protect yourself against these attempts by installing a peephole from our extensive range here at Carera. 

Thicker Glass Options

Traditional glass doors can be vulnerable to break-ins. By opting for double or triple glazed glass, you can significantly enhance your home’s protection. Double glazing is designed to be more resistant to impact, making it much harder for intruders to break through. Carera Windows offers doors with optional triple glazing, adding an extra layer of security to your home.

Thicker glass can buy you valuable time in an emergency situation, making it a nightmare for intruders to break through. This can give you valuable time to act- with more time to call the authorities or get help from your neighbours. If you have doors with large glazing panels, make sure to opt for double or triple glazing to keep your home protected, without having to compromise on the beauty and natural light entering your home.

Maintain Your Doors

Regular maintenance is vital to keeping your doors secure and functioning optimally. Perform routine inspections to identify any signs of wear or damage. Lubricate hinges, locks, and other moving parts to ensure smooth operation. If you notice any issues, contact Carera Windows. Our team can provide maintenance services and address any concerns to ensure your doors remain secure throughout the summer and beyond.

If you’re unsure whether your doors are functioning as they should, contact our team. We’d love to help you find a door solution that fits your property perfectly, always designed with security in mind. Our knowledgeable installation team would love to help you. 

Contact Carera Windows Today. 

Secure doors are a fundamental element of home security. By investing in high-quality doors, incorporating advanced locking systems, and opting for additional features such as thicker glass and door viewers, you can significantly enhance the safety of your home. Carera Windows offers a range of secure doors that combine aesthetic appeal with robust security features. With our professional installation and maintenance services, you can enjoy a worry-free summer, knowing that your home is well protected. 

Contact Carera today to discover our bespoke selection of home improvement options. You can reach us by phone at 01384 442490 or send us an email at sales@carerawindows.co.uk. For a more personalised experience, visit our showroom where our welcoming team will be happy to assist you. We are excited to discuss your requirements and offer outstanding solutions for your home.

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